The Purloined Manuscript

On the morning of April 16th, 2015, the renowned medievalist Richard Merak is found dead at the Inselhotel in the city of Constance, on the very day he was due to give the keynote speech at the 600-year celebration of the Council of Constance. Laura returns to her hometown Basel after five years absence for his funeral and once more is forced to face her former life as Merak’s wife and to engage with the self-involved patricians of Basel. There, she comes across some discrepancies between the academic work of her husband and the findings of his unsuccessful rival Hans Peterson of the State Archives of Basel who drowned in the Rhine some months previously.
Laura starts to trace the causes for the diverging assessments of the two historians originating in their research on their shared point of interest: the life and work of Manuel Chrysoloras, born around 1355 in Constantinople, the author of the first Greek grammar for non-Greeks, who died during the Council of Constance. Quickly Laura comes to the conclusion that there is a connection between the disagreements between the two historians and their deaths. She gets caught in a net of secrecies and becomes a suspect herself.


  • Herausgeber: Lenos
  • Erscheinungstermin: 29.03.2016
  • Taschenbuch: 224 Seiten
  • ISBN: 978-3857874758
